Armstrong People

The previous pages show some of the people who worked on the production line. There are also some photos of other people around this website where appropriate. However a large number of people were involved over the years with developing, making, and selling Armstrong products. This page shows photos of some of them, and provides a brief outline of what they did.

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The above photo was taken at the London show that launched the 700 range in 1981. From left to right the people in the photo are:

In effect, the people shown above were the team that developed the 700 range and brought it to market. As explained elsewhere, at the time the factory was in the process of being run down. However Barrie and Alex put a huge amount of time and effort into seeing that the 700 range was developed and marketed as they intended to carry on Armstrong as a UK audio manufacturer. At first I was employed full-time by the company to develop the new range. Then as the available money reduced I moved to a different job during the week. However at weekends I used to journey down to Barrie and Celia's home in East Grinstead where one of their back bedrooms was converted into a test and development lab. I then worked on the units during the weekend. Barrie then followed up this work during the week, supplemented with phone conversations with myself!

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The above photo was taken at a factory Christmas party during the last few years. The front line are some of the production line team showed on one of the production line pages. The back row, from left to right, are:

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The row of three photos above show, left-to-right:

The photos shown below were also taken at the 1970's Christmas party:

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Left to right the above shows:

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In general, most of the key people worked at the company for decades. It is perhaps an interesting sign of how much people enjoyed working there that so many good people stayed there so long!

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Content and pages maintained by: Jim Lesurf
using HTMLEdit and TechWriter on a StrongARM powered RISCOS machine.