Links and Contacts

This page provides some link and contact information that you may find of use or interest. Please note that none of the companies mentioned here have paid me to advertise their services. I have listed them simply because I an aware of them, and my personal experience of them is positive.

Repair and Maintenance.

If you have an Armstrong set that requires repair or maintenance you may be looking for an engineer with the required experience and skill. There are a number of repair/maintenance engineers around the world. Many specialise in ‘classic’ audio equipment and may be suitable. However I only have personal knowledge of the following two companies who I would say are worth considering. Hence if you have a set that requires attention I would recommend the following:

Mike Solomons
London Sound
389(b), Alexandra Avenue
Middlesex HA2 9EF
UK Tel: 020 8868 9222
    Armstrong Hi-Fi and Video Services Ltd
32a Blackhorse Lane
London E17 6HJ
UK Tel: 0208 5230051

When Armstrong ceased manufacturing audio equipment they changed their name to Armstrong Hi-Fi and Video Services (AHVS). They now specialise in carrying our repair and maintenance work on a contract basis for shops, manufacturers, and importers. They are often busy, but are quite happy to repair old Armstrong items. For obvious reasons, they continue to have a special level of expertise in Armstrong equipment.

Mike Solomons has specialised in UK equipment service for many years. When production of the 600 range ceased he bought up much of the unwanted stock of components, etc, from Armstrong to ensure he could continue to support and repair the sets. He has also devised some modifications which may be felt to allow some units to provide “better than new“ performance.

Interesting Links/Contacts

There are a wide variety of webpages on ‘audio’ equipment, etc. There are also now many dealers in the UK who specialise in second-hand audio equipment. Many of these are only really interested in valve/tube items. I will add to the following lists when I get a chance. If you feel that you wish to strongly recommend including a dealer or other link here, please let me know and I will investigate.

For now I will just list the following:

Thanks and Acknowledgements

I'd like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to the many people who have provided me with photos, circuit diagrams, other documents, and personal memories that have helped me to collect the information that makes this site possible.

Special thanks to: Ted Rule, Barrie Hope, Jeff Bonser, Ken Hart, and many other ex-Armstrong people. Also to Mike Solomons of London Sound, and to Ron Sheppard who sadly died in the Spring of 2001.

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